7 Financial Moves to Make in 2024 

Jan 10, 2024

We are about two weeks into the new year. I hope your resolutions are still fresh in your minds and the fire is still in your belly to achieve your goals. 2023 was a hard year for me. I learned a lot of hard lessons. Toward the end of the year, I had a big wake-up call that I am so grateful for. It reminded me of my purpose and personal power.

I'm personally committed to moving differently in 2024- more authenticity, not questioning the value I can provide, and reprioritizing the things that matter most to me.

My north star is impact:

  1. Positively impacting my family by breaking generational cycles of financial scarcity and trauma;
  2. Loving and caring for myself in ways that the women in my family never had the opportunity to;
  3. Helping women feel more financially empowered, spreading their wings, and flying in the most authentic, joyful, fulfilled way. 

I'm tired of seeing women broke, stressed, or playing small (I'm including myself here). In service of that, I will be showing up much more regularly in your inbox. I hope you enjoy these tips and actionable items to help you progress financially, heal your relationship to money, and take things to the next level. Thank you for being here. 




Here are a few steps you can take to take your $ to the next level in 2024. 

  1. Review your 2023 spending.  You can do this the hard way by looking at 12 months of bank or credit card statements. The easy hack is to pull your 12-month spending summary from your credit card + add in regular expenses you pay via your bank account.   
  2. Create a 50/30/20 Budget. Look at how much you spent and group those expenditures into 50% needs/ 30% wants/ 20% financial priorities. Calculate how much you spent in each category and compare it to those %s. How does it stack up? What can you adjust?   
  3. Identify Financial Priorities. Do you have enough in your emergency fund? Are you contributing to retirement? Ready to start saving for your kids’ college education? Getting serious about buying a home?  Whatever your goal, write it down. 
  4. Create an Action Plan. Come up with a plan to meet your financial goal this year within your 20% financial priorities budget. If you can’t possibly meet it in time, then adjust your time horizon.   
  5. Increase Retirement Contributions. The best practice is to contribute 10-15% of your gross income to retirement(not including your employer match). If you are not there yet, immediately increase it by a few %s. Create a plan to get there within 18 months.   
  6. Check your Insurance Coverage. If no one financially depends on you then might not need life insurance. Everyone needs long-term disability insurance though. It protects your income in case you are no longer able to work. Check if you are covered through work. Sometimes you should still buy your own though.     
  7. Set up an Estate Plan. This isn’t about saving on taxes or getting fancy. It allows you to let your loved ones know how you want your assets handled in the event of death or incapacity. It allows you to make critical end-of-life decisions. It’s not a fun prospect, but we’re adults. We can have the heavy, necessary conversations.  We use Wealth.com to help many clients implement this. 

Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

1. Financial Coaching: Transform your relationship to money and get an actionable plan for your finances. Financial Coaching Sessions are 60 60-minute opportunities for you to pick my brain, to ask me all of those questions that you’ve had on your mind. They are $ 250 per session, but purchasing a series of five sessions gets you a 20% discount.  Buy your five-session package.  ​

2. Host a workshop: I love speaking to groups about the basic tenets of money mindset and wealth-building. If you would like me to speak to your company's employee resource group or another student group, please reply to this email and we can discuss your needs. 


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